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Then during the night I had to sleep in the same tent with X-man, Nightcrawler, and Wolverine. Wolverine smelt pretty bad, and kept on muttering in his dreams, "Now its just me and you Viper....yes I do think it'd be better if we fought nude. Whats that Jean you want to fight with us too?.....Oh yeah sure, Kitty, Storm, Betsy, Mystique you can get in as well....Don't think I foregot about you Cyke....Need to grease you up." Ick....I don't think I'll ever be able to have a crossover with him again. Anyway Nightcrawler was hyper from all the candy he got before halloween. Didn't sleep a wink, kept on teleporting in and out of here. Each time with a set of panties.
Thats the last camping trip I go on with these guys.